Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu pledges peace talks with Palestinians

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu Photo: AFP/GETTY IMAGES

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, pledged to resume peace talks with the Palestinians when he met Egypt's president.

Mr Netanyahu, who leads a coalition government dominated by Right-wing parties, faces a new US effort to broker a Middle East settlement.

In the next four to five weeks, President Barack Obama's administration is expected to publish an outline peace plan.

The crux of this proposal will be the creation of a Palestinian state - something that Mr Netanyahu and most of his coalition partners oppose.

The Israeli leader will visit Washington for his first meeting with Mr Obama next Monday. At present, Mr Netanyahu risks being on a collision course with Israel's superpower ally.

The prime minister is anxious to avoid this possibility and he does not want to be seen as an obstacle to peace. Before his talks with Mr Obama, he travelled to the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh for a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak.

After this encounter with an Arab leader whose country signed a peace treaty with Israel 30 years ago, Mr Netanyahu said that he wanted to restart talks with the Palestinian leadership.

"We would like to resume as soon as possible the peace talks between us and the Palestinians, and I hope they will be renewed in the coming weeks," he said.

"We would like to extend peace first of all with our Palestinian neighbours. We would like Israel and the Palestinians to live with prospects of peace, security and prosperity. The three things go together and not one at the expense of the other."

These talks would be with the Palestinian Authority (PA) led by Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the moderate Fatah faction based in the West Bank. Israel, America and the European Union have all ruled out talks with Hamas, the radical Islamist movement which controls the Gaza Strip, unless it meets certain conditions, notably recognising the Jewish state's right to exist.

Israel's last government held talks with the PA on the possible creation of a Palestinian state. But Mr Netanyahu has a more limited agenda for any new negotiations. He wants to concentrate on reviving the Palestinian economy and extending limited self-government to a few enclaves in the West Bank.

As well as opposing a Palestinian state, Mr Netanyahu has hardened Israel's stance on the other core issues dividing two sides. In particular, he has ruled out dividing Jerusalem between two national capitals and he has promised not to return the Golan Heights to Syria.

Israel argues that Iran poses the greatest threat to a peace settlement, pointing to Tehran's nuclear programme and its support for Hamas and Hizbollah.

King Abdullah II of Jordan gave warning yesterday that if progress is not made "there is going to be another conflict between Arabas or Muslim and Israels in the next 12-19 months".


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