Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lakers' Derek Fisher, Houston's Artest ejected

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Los Angeles Lakers' Derek Fisher reacts to being called for a foul during the second half of Game 1 of a second-round NBA playoff series against the Houston Rockets in Los Angeles on Monday, May 4, 2009. The Rockets won the game 100-92.
Matt Sayles / AP Photo

Los Angeles Lakers guard Derek Fisher and Houston Rockets forward Ron Artest were ejected in separate incidents in the second half of Wednesday night's Game 2 of the Western Conference semifinals.

Fisher was called for a flagrant foul with 13 seconds left in the third quarter when he collided with Luis Scola as the Rockets brought the ball up the court.

Scola fell to the court and Fisher received a cut on his head near his right ear.

Moments earlier, Scola and Lakers teammates Luke Walton and Lamar Odom were all hit with technical fouls after they jawed at Los Angeles' end of the court.

With 6:57 remaining in the fourth quarter, Artest received a technical and was ejected after pointing and making a gesture near his throat after complaining that Kobe Bryant of the Lakers had elbowed him in the throat under the basket.

Bryant received a technical foul a few minutes later when he said something to Houston's Shane Battier after hitting a shot.

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