Friday, July 17, 2009

Press calls for new Non-Aligned role

Friday, July 17, 2009

Papers in the Middle East call for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to find a new role and resolve internal conflicts at its meetings in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh.

There are calls for the movement to become a voice for the developing world and one paper says the worldwide financial crisis has given the body an opportunity to address the distribution of global wealth.


The key mission of the Non-Aligned Movement is to search for a new role and identity. In spite of the divisions and disagreements within the movement, it should stand more steadfast today than ever in the face of the globalisation that the US administration wants to impose on all countries. Consequently the movement is required to redefine the role it can play over the forthcoming period as a representative of the Third World's political and economic interests... It is also required to achieve cooperation between its members and square up to internal conflicts within it in the light of mounting ethnic problems, civil wars and border conflicts.


Radical changes in the world make it imperative for the Non-Aligned Movement to conduct a comprehensive review of the content, concepts and visions it formulated at the establishment stage 50 years ago... the members of the Non-Aligned Movement have an historic opportunity to prove that the movement has not grown old and can still develop and overcome any rift within itself.


The movement may seem to be a valuable inheritance from the recent past of the struggle against colonialism and rejection of alliances and subordination policy. It is necessary to not marginalise its role and fragment its existing entity... the movement must become a voice for the developing world. If the G77 represents the economic side of the south, the Non-Aligned Movement is its political arm... We hope the slogan [international solidarity for peace and development] will be translated into a tangible reality to serve the interests of Third World countries.


Members of the Non-Aligned Movement have an important opportunity in the light of the earthquake that hit the international order as a result of the financial disaster... This makes it imperative for the summit to take courageous decisions that could lead to achieving security and stability in the world, especially in the Middle East, which has been living in tragic conditions for over 60 years as a result of the Israeli occupation.


Although it involves 118 countries, the Non-Aligned Movement has not achieved its expected objectives with regard to the international community. It is time this movement became part of the international equation and stopped the continuation of the expansionist policies of certain major powers in the world.


The Non-Aligned Movement includes two-thirds of the world's countries, but only 20% of the GDP of the world belongs to them... As a major, influential and defining member, one of Tehran's recommendations for the Sharm el-Sheikh summit is to reform the UN and Security Council structure and increase the role and power of NAM countries in this regard.


Muammar Gaddafi is one of the strongest voices still calling for achieving international democracy and wealth sharing. The world cannot remain under the rule of an international minority. About 80% of the world's wealth cannot remain under the control of less than one-fifth of the world's population. This is why the presence of the [Libyan] leader is intended to give the momentum the summit needs in these circumstances.


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