Thursday, April 15, 2010

Greece seeks aid talks with IMF

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Group to send team to begin laying groundwork for rescue

The International Monetary Fund will send a team to Greece Monday to begin laying the groundwork for a rescue, should the debt-stricken nation make the request for help.
In a statement issued in Washington Thursday, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Greece asked him to send a team “to begin discussions with the Greek authorities this coming Monday on policies that could provide the basis for fund financial assistance, under a multi-year program, in the case that the authorities decide to ask for such assistance.”
The Greek request comes amid signs that investors are losing faith in the mutibillion-euro backstop that European governments arranged for Greece last weekend.
After a respite following the announcement that European governments were prepared to put up €30-billion in the first year of a rescue, markets turned against Greece because of uncertainty about how quickly it could access the money if needed. The euro fell Thursday and the gap between Greek 10-year debt and the German equivalent widened to a near record.
The IMF is a partner in the European rescue plan, with reports saying the Fund could contribute €15-billion, as well as provide much of the technical assistance.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn said the request from Athens to begin discussions with the IMF is “consistent” with the European program.


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