Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ALEX BRUMMER COMMENT: Inspector's harmful verdict

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, has expressed similar concerns to those raised by the IMF
It is rarely good news for national governments when the International Monetary Fund comes to town. And this year's annual inspection of Britain by the experts from Washington is no different.
What will be particularly disturbing to the government is that it will be harder to disregard the IMF's findings than in the past.
At the G20 in London last month, heads of government from the world's leading economies agreed to provide the IMF with new funding and powers to help it guide the global economy out of the worst crisis since the 1930s.
In addition to its role in bailing out failing countries it would also have responsibility for monitoring the soundness of financial and banking systems.
Unfortunately for Labour it does not much like all that it has found in the UK. While it finds no fault with the projections for Britain's future borrowing and debt levels, it does believe that the timetable for returning the public finances to stability by 2018 is too slow.
It wants to see government take firmer action on so-called fiscal consolidation - the IMF's polite term for cutting government spending and raising taxes.
The IMF supports the immediate fiscal and monetary stimulus to steer Britain out of recession. But it notes that other countries, including Canada, Sweden and Denmark in the 1990s, managed to accomplish far quicker adjustments to the public finances than those set out in Alistair Darling's budget.
As worrying for Whitehall will be the IMF's observation that the repairs made to the banking system may not be enough to encourage institutions to increase lending.
This is similar to a concern expressed by the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King.
The IMF wants banks to be encouraged to take advantage of more favourable market conditions by increasing their capital base.
This kind of approach has been evident in the US where Bank of America this week managed to raise £8.4billion from the markets.
The IMF and its role in the credit crisis (
Interest rates: News & predictions (
LSE slumps into the red (
It warns, however, that if the private markets won't provide the capital then further government action may become necessary.
The Fund also wants banks to stop paying dividends while converting preference shares into ordinary shares. This is a process already under way at Lloyds.
What has been different about this visit by the IMF is that historically such inspections have been conducted in the shadows and the findings sneaked out late in the evening in press notices.
The new IMF is seeking to communicate better. It took steps yesterday to explain its findings, properly trespassing on the Treasury's hospitality.
Most people will welcome this, with the possible exception of one of the main authors of the new IMF: the Prime Minister.
Clara's legacy
Clara Furse leaves the London Stock Exchange with her head held up high.
During an eight-year period, when much of Britain was sold overseas, she stood firm amid a never-ending stream of bids from North America, Germany, Scandinavia and Australia when a lesser person would have bowed under the pressure.
Against this background she modernised the dealing platform, increasing revenues and trading volumes many times over.
The last set of figures under her stewardship have a nasty look to them, a pretax loss of £250.8million.
But this is largely due to an accounting quirk as a result of a goodwill write-off of £484million for a merger with Borsa Italiana. And since this was an all-paper deal it has no real impact on the balance sheet health of the exchange.
What is more remarkable, in fact, is that in the face of ever-increasing competition and a disastrous market environment for much of the last year, the company made underlying profits of £304.7million on turnover up at £671million.
The share price, which hit a low of 355p in March, has now rallied to more than 698p which is testimony to the strength of the brand.
Furse says her greatest regret is failing to convince Labour that equity fund raising is as deserving of tax breaks as debt.
But one suspects in her heart of hearts the real disappointment was the failure to complete a merger with Liffe, now part of NYSE-Euronext.
Market share may have slipped but she has left her successor Xavier Rolet a solid legacy.
Rothschild revival
Amid all the turmoil in investment banking, NM Rothschild looks to be having a good war.
It yesterday emerged as financial adviser and joint sponsor to the rights issue by property outfit Shaftesbury.
This is the 12th equity raising it has been involved in since January including those for 3i, Wolseley, British Land and Xstrata. Independence and continuity are worth something in these troubled times.


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